Saturday, 3 October 2015

Spam Comments Tip

Thought I'd share this for any new bloggers, as I find it useful.

Sometimes spam bots can be pretty clever and post comments that don't immediately look like spam.

I know there are readers from around the world that read my regular blog I know I'll occasionally get comments from people whose written English might sound a bit odd.  So it's not kind or sensible to censor based on grammar.

When I get a comment that seems a bit dubious, this is how I check:

Copy the comment into Google search, put quotation / speech marks round it, and see what Google finds.

There's an example below.  You can see that the comment has been repeated on a number of sites, so it's looking like a spam bot. The clincher, is that even the way it is written - website as two words, the space between site and comma - is identical.

Of course, I could be wrong and it is some poor blog reader who really enjoys copying and pasting....